Why We Need to Start the Day with a Prayer- Essay about Prayer

In the busy world we live in, a meaningful life is as elusive as ever. Imagining a life which has vitality, substance and contentment is getting harder because of the overwhelming materialism that surround us. Sometimes, a gentle reminder to start your day with a prayer is all that you need to start a meaningful day.

When I was teaching in Indonesia, I used to start my day reading a Bible with my husband who was here in the United States. Prayer continuously plays a vital role in our relationship but life could be overwhelming sometimes that we only get to do it before going to sleep or before eating dinner.

A prayer before starting that day is a humble way of asking God to show me which way He wants me to go on this day. It is also a beautiful reminder that I am as fallible as ever and only God can complete me.  If and when I fall on this day, I know that the prayer I uttered for the day is enough to strengthen my resolve to stand and live the day as a child of God.

“Our prayers may be awkward. Our attempts may be feeble. But since the power of prayers is in the one who hears it and not in the one who says it, our prayers do make a difference.”

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