Sample Introduction for Chapter 1-Thesis Writing

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Research Title: Enhancing Students' Proficiency in Communication 
through Campus Journalism 
(Original Sample from my Thesis Published on March 2012) 

All men were born naked and devoid of any belongings except for one-that of the ability to communicate. With loud shriek of cries, man announces his birth and his discomforts blended with the immensity of joys of being brought into existence. With his nakedness was the pining for belongingness compounded by the yearning to connect to others. Yes, every man is a piece of another.

Thus, man continuously seeks his place into the world. He toils incessantly to make communication a snap of a finger. With each new invention every day, the world is awed repeatedly and captivated in trance into the time where technological revolution dominates the globe. It is undeniable that the world thrives in communication. A thousand fibers connect men with each other and daily life of an ordinary person is filled with bits and pieces which could be gained only thru connecting with each other.

Communication is easily overlooked, but the ability to communicate effectively is necessary to carry out the thoughts and visions of an organization to the people. The importance of speech and words whether through a paper or a voice is a medium to convey directions and provide synchronization. Without communication, there is no way to express thoughts, ideas and feelings. This further rationalizes the heightening of programs that could lift the quality of communication through campus journalism in different secondary schools. With the different collaborative programs in campus journalism, the educational system as an institution which tailors what the society needs make sure that the demand for people who are proficient in communication would be answered.

Journalism is also the catalyst that speaks of how much people thrive in communication. It is broadly explained as collection, preparation, and distribution of news and related commentary and feature through media such as pamphlets, newsletters, magazines, radio, film television, and books. The term originally applied to the reportage of current events in printed form, specifically newspapers, but in the late 20th century it came to include electronic media as well. It is sometimes used to refer to writing characterized by a direct presentation of facts or description of events to refer to writing characterized by a direct presentation of facts or description of events without an attempt at interpretation. Journalism undeniably plays a vital role in the lives of many and it is being hailed as one of the most powerful tools in creating change. As Winston Churchill once illuminated “Journalism is a guardian that never sleeps and protects freedom of the people.”

The country is blessed with people who excel in this field. They were gifted in communication and assert the need for revitalizing of the students capability in this field. Rico Hizon, a Filipino and a well- known BBC World News Anchor has proven to the world that Filipinos can pair with others in the global arena of journalism. With his feat as a world renowned journalist, he was able to bring the name of Philippine Journalism to a much higher level of recognition. Further, his accomplishment exemplifies the need for furtherance of the journalism training to secondary students to be able to maintain the global competitiveness of the Philippine journalists when it comes to communication.

History itself is not barren of another outstanding example, there was a man who had been committed to build a name in the world of Journalism, and he is the late Benigno “Ninoy” Aquino, Sr. He was hailed as an outstanding journalist during the Korean War. The valor and award he received could give manifestation that Filipinos are doing good in this line of work.

Conformably, this was supported by the legal basis of campus Journalism in the country which was further elucidated in section 2 of Republic Act 7079 which is commonly known as Campus Journalism Act of 1991. It states that, “It is the declared policy of the State to uphold and protect the freedom of the press even at the campus level and to promote the development and growth of campus journalism as a means of strengthening ethical values, encouraging critical and creative thinking, and developing moral character and personal discipline of the Filipino youth. In furtherance of this policy, the State shall undertake various programs and projects aimed at improving the journalistic skills of students’ concerned and promoting responsible and free journalism.”

Hitherto, with this provision, Journalism activities were given more focus in different secondary schools all over the country. The extent of implementation of Journalism activities has gone beyond the school paper preparation and other in-school activities. Gone are the days when Journalism is confined in print publication because of the invasion of technology in almost all walks of life, changes had been felt on the various areas of man’s activity. At present, students need to deal with online journalism, desktop publishing, and broadcasting, to name the few. They are caught in tangled webs of strains from time and society trying to cope up with the demands of change.

In précis, journalism activities are part of growth and development of the students. It is the foundation of strengthening their proficiency in communication. Thus, the time calls for leverage of more strategic ways of promoting journalism in the country.

As a school paper adviser and a former student journalist, the writer felt the compelling need to conduct this study for the tenacity of recognizing journalism activities which would be the basis for enhancing students’ proficiency in communication.

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