Traverse in Gratefulness (Editorial, ESIS Newsletter, Term 2, 2013)

The song 10, 000 Reasons by Matt Redman may aptly portray what’s in the heart of a very blessed ESIS family this term. First and foremost of course is the gift of the new students who just joined the school. The continuous coming of new members of the family affirmed the undeterred commitment of the school to be the pillar of quality education according to Christian principles.

Then, there’s this visit of course of the students from King’sCollege Australia together with Pastor James. The seminar they facilitated, the outbound memories, and the Blue Fire concert left an indelible mark to the hearts of the ESIS family especially that of the students. The flock of people who blessed the Blue Fire concert with their presence and other forms of support also embraced the ESIS family.

But, God’s blessings did not end with the visit of the Australians from King’s College Australia nor of other successful events. The triumphs of the two students in the Pre- IBO competition were nothing but God’s incessant cascade of miracles.

We therefore revel with all these feats knowing they are God’s avalanche of blessings. Yes, there are more than 10, 000 reasons to be thankful and the ESIS family traverse in gratefulness.

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